Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007
FEAR FALLS BURNING "The Infinite Sea of Sustain" Audio DVD

Friday, June 15, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007
SHINING "V:Halmstad" CD

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
"Need for A Crossing: A New New Zealand Vol. I" CD

Friday, May 25, 2007
ATAVIST/NADJA "12012291920/1414101" CD

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
"Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse" dir. Fax Bahr, George Hickenlooper and Eleanor Coppola

Sunday, May 20, 2007
KTL "2" CD

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Friday, May 18, 2007

THE ANGELIC PROCESS "Weighing Souls with Sand" CD

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
"The Fountain" dir. Darren Aronofsky

Monday, May 14, 2007
Video from the Uptown and reviving the dead
Also, there has been a new discovery! Heart cells don't die right away after a heart attack. There is a new science of recitation emerging. Soon, it will be practical to bring folks back to life, hours after clinical "Death".
Read about it at msnbc: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18368186
Sunday, May 13, 2007
CULVER "The Witches Ladder" 3" CDR

Friday, May 11, 2007
FENCES "s/t" 3" CDR

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
BUNGE Exploration video TONIGHT at the Uptown
This evening at the Uptown, I will project beautiful images of the BUNGE TOWER, and the graffiti art within,
onto Minneapolis band "They The Down Low" as they play a live soundtrack.
Theres no cover. Drop on by.
3018 Hennepin Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Tel: 612.823.4719
Please also see the GLORIOUS and shocking photos of it's demolished state here.
MOST recent story
Recent story
Other information.
Monday, May 7, 2007

Ben and i took in a massive slab of psychedelic indulgence last night courtesy of two of the best acts in the genre, the esteemed Acid Mothers Temple and newcomers (although they have two awesome records to their name) Mammatus. Twas Ben's first time bearing witness to the onslaught that is the AMT and my fourth time, so i was pretty excited by the time concert time rolled around. I'm not a huge concert goer anymore-i think this is the first show i've been to in many many months-but i'm glad i got out for this one as both bands turned in unrepentant, if aesthetically opposed, sets. Mammatus took the stage and immediately busted into a faster psych rocker that was completely unlike the doom influenced Melvins worship they fell into about five minutes later. The riffs became slower and more rock/cliche oriented, all while swirls of fuzz clouds and ultra loud whooses of wah noise filled the room. The drummer was a Dale Crover clone for sure, which is never bad in my eyes, especially when done well, and really the whole thing smacked of Melvins worship, right down to the dresses the members wore on stage and the onstage moves/vocals that their lead guitarist involved himself in. I remember when i was really into the idea of Melvins worship as well (still am to a degree!); i think i might even have the dress i fashioned for myself after seeing them on the Crybaby tour. The other influence that really stuck out at me, besides Black Sabbath and Blue Cheer, was Sleep-so Mammatus wasn't really bringing anything new, but they do what they do very well, they write some awesome syrupy sludge riffs and wrap the whole thing in a bag of pysch demolition and guitar extravagance. I liked it a lot-enought to buy a shirt (didn't hurt that it had a wizard on it) and realize that they pretty much blew both of their studio records out of the water on the stage.
And then came the main event, the true heirs to the modern psych throne, the mighty AMT out of JApan. Those who know me know of my devotion to this band-they take up more space on my cd shelves than any other group (i think i have over 100 of their cds/records in my possession, and that's not even th half of their output)-and they have been a huge influence on my guitar playing and generally one of my fave "mind expanders" when i'm "getting into the shit." Their set began with a shriek of Guitar feedback from the mighty Speed Guru and after that it was right into a little 5 minute excesso rock rave up to set the mood. So far so good-and then the set took a strange and unexpected turn. The next track was a plodding, droning piece of crust metal that was one chord for about 10 minutes, along with the folk rock mountain songs of Japan that their bassist can pull out at any time. it was AMT doing doom metal most certainly and it was fucking right on, people, right fucking on! totally awesome. heads were nodding across the 80 people that had gathered and the drone beat us all into compliance. Things followed that route for the rest of the night-the set, while filled to the brim with crazy ass space synth and wailing banshee guitar leads, alongside equally crazed vocals from Cotton Casino's heir apparent-walked a fairly mellow, subdued path (for the AMT, at least.) Things segued into a 30 minute or so three part version of " Pink Lady Lemonade" that broke hearts and reached into the clouds and the night was brought out to a close with a 40 minute (it HAD to have been) version of one of my fave AMT pieces, the mighty folk ballad "La Novia." This was waaaaay different than the last time i saw them, which was an all out rock fest that ripped the jugular right out and left no faces unshorn from heads-definetely crazy compared to this almost mantra-esque performance. it seemed more in line with some sort of Buddhist Temple ritual than a rock show, which is fine with me, and it was cool to see this weirder more complacent side of the AMT juggernaut. Things ended abruptly after "La Novia" finally supernova-ed into the blistering piece of psch insanity that it is and the AMT disappeared from the stage to sell the 30 or so cd's they had brought with them. I snagged a few things that i didn't have, including their newest record, but i was bummed that they didn;t have their upcoming record on Important with them (even though the people at Important swore that they would have the record with them on tour.) Oh well. You can't get everything all the time, and when what i got was this amazing headfuck of guitar armaggedon for three hours straight, i'm not gonna complain.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
HOTOTOGISU "Spooked Summer" CDR

Monday, April 30, 2007
Now I'm Really Broke....

So for those who don't visit me at work all the time, which is pretty much everyone i know, know that i've been given a small space in the store to showcase bizarre/troubling/disturbing books, whether they're novels or graphic novels or art books or whatever. In terms of the art stuff, since i know very little about what's going on in the actual art world, i asked my coworker Gina (who is an artist herself) to point me toward some cool artists/monographs. Pretty much everything she showed me is super cool, like good 'ol Pictoplasma here, and unfortunately, i know find myself hooked on these gorgeous art monographs. I don't have the money for this! Between all the cds and dvds and literary journals and books i'm just fucking finished...it would be different if this material weren;t so goddamned rare and only available for short periods of time. Matt and Ray, i'm guessing both of you are familiar with these sorts of books-toss me some suggestions for things to show off at Barnes & Noble! Recommendations are always appreciated!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Spreading Herself Waaaaay Too Thin

Friday, April 20, 2007
"The Road" written by Cormac McCarthy

Sunday, April 15, 2007
"Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theaters" dir. Dave Willis and Matt Maillero

LEVIATHAN "White Devil, Black Metal" CDR

Saturday, April 7, 2007
"Grindhouse" dir. Robert Rodriguez & Quentin Tarantino

Just saw this tonite. I'm not so great at doing film reviews because i'm not a truly serious student of film the way that i am of music-i just can't play "six degrees" as thoroughly in the film universe. But i know a little bit, and i know what i like about the directors i admire, so i think i can wax philosophical about this one for a bit. "Grindhouse" is two films billed together, being R & Q's love letters to the silly gore/exploitative films of an era gone by. Total trashy drive-in fodder done with the eye of an auteur. The two films are actually quite different from one another. Rodriguez's film is called "Planet Terror" and it's pretty much just a zombie gorefest filled with violence and gross outs everywhere. The frames are filled with blood, and it's very very reminiscent of "From Dusk Til Dawn." He's not treading any new ground here, but it's definetely fucking cool, shot to be amateurish (the film is super grainy and out of of focus and there are missing reels and the camera movements are shaky) and the acting is ridiculous in every way. Very hammy and over the top. And oh, the violence-so much beautiful beautiful pointless violence. On the bad side, the movie wears thin kinda quick and it gets very redundant towards the end, and it also becomes very convoluted. Things get hard to follow but i think it's more a case of the story just being really flimsy-which could also be part of the joke.
After the film ends we get hit with three previews for "coming attractions", which are pretty fucking hilarious, directed by Rob Zombie ("Werewolf Women of the SS"), Eli Roth ("Thanksgiving') and someone else who i forgot. There's also a preview right before "Planet Terror", called "Machete", that i wish were getting made into a feature, cuz it looks fucking awesome. Also sad that Roth's movie isn't getting made, cuz it looks as good as any premise he's made. Anyways, on to Tarantino's film, "Death Proof." It's pretty much a car chase film, with plenty of death and adrenalin fueled moments. It features a fabulous Kurt Russell as a washed up stuntracer who is also a stalker/murder of young Hollywood starlets, and he kills them with his fucking car-and the deaths are pretty damn awesome. The high point is the auto duel that compromises the last thrid of the film, but all the other Tarantino trademarks are here-smarmy homages to older films, tons of foot fetish shots, inside jokes galore and of course his amazing dialogue-bordering on inane but always fascinating-i'd say there's more dialogue in this film than action, which is perfectly fine by me. And the ending is one of the best i've seen in a long while-i won't spoil it but it's hilarious. So whose film is the better of the two? It's hard to say, but i'm more of a Quentin kinda guy, so i'd have to go with his contribution. It's definetely a must own, and as a love note to trash film, it works well beyond well. I wish more people were making films like this. What i really wish is that we'd be getting Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving"-but i guess i'll just have to wait for "Hostel-Part II"-coming in June!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Unfairly Maligned for a Fucking Lifetime

Monday, March 26, 2007
She's a Motherfucking Princess

Friday, March 23, 2007
Housing redevelopment - PPL is planning to remove all of the hazardous materials from the site in March. They will then begin the demolition of the silos parallel to 12th Ave SE in April. This demolition will last for approximately two or three months. The next step will be to start construction on the road, the sewer and the first building in July of 2007. That building will take about one year to complete.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
MONARCH "Dead Men Tell No Tales" 2xCD


Wednesday, March 21, 2007
KEVIN DRUMM "Sheer Hellish Miasma" CD

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007