And then there are the black metal bands who totally rewrite the genre and break every "rule" to create something beyond original, something that really has only tenuous links to BM but makes the genre all the better for being included. Klabautamann is one of those bands-after hearing this astonishing record i would have to rank these guys right up there with Leviathan, Xasthur and all the other overlords of BM who are reiventing the way things are done. Klabautamann is a band comprised of members of the amazing post-rock band Woburn House who put an equally astonishing album earlier this year on the wicked awesome Paradigms record label. The Slint styled approach that Woburn House employs shines through in spades on the Klabautamann record. Elements of black metal are certainly there, in the forms of incredibly fast, melodic guitar buzzsaw riffs, furious double bass and rasping vocals but more of the record is ceded to incredibly complex clean guitar figures, on both electric and acoustic and some crushing prog style riffs that wouldn't sound out of place on a record by, say, Tool or Keelhaul. All this paints an incredible picture, one of black metal that is more or less devoid of, or disregards, any sort of outside influence. It's amazingly creative, borne of total insular vision, and for that it towers above most of what comes out. As i said in the Be Persecuted review that preceded this, there's nothing wrong with throwing on the Burzum feedbag and puking up what comes out of your binge, but to creat something like this, that really just has to be heard to be truly appreciated, takes a serious level of talent and commitment. This record reminds me a lot of Ulver's "Madrigals of Night" album, where you're confronted with a band that you know could pretty much do anything they wanted to and have it come out glorious. The last track on "Der Ort" is breathtaking, featuring some little chanteuse singing beautifully over some crushing metallized riffs. I'm left feeling like the sky is wide open and blue and everything is there and waiting for me. And this is a black metal record!! Awesome stuff, totally awesome-gets a serious recommendation from me.
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