Gloriously gorgeous collaboration between dream droners Troum and All Sides, whom i know nothing about. No doubt a simple googling would provide some answers but i'm too damn tired right now to worry about trivialities such as an artist's identity. What we have here is a really really beautiful piece of crystalline guitar shimmer, run through about a million effects and transformed into fragile swells of saddened drone tears. Troum have long been one of my favorite groups making ambient music and this is another notch in their belt of fine releases. I can't think of a bad one in the bunch! This record is one 60 or so minute piece that morphs and changes and mutates throughout its course, but always keeping one foot firmly planted in the garden of sadness that Troum eternally tends to. What i like best about Troum is that everything is done live-there isn;t any after the fact processing, all the sounds that they make come from their guitars and effects as they're played, which is an odd thing for this sort of music, and a fact which makes it all the more amazing. Sure, Tim Hecker creates equally beautiful and placid lakes of melancholy sound, but he runs everything through computers to achieve the desired results. Call me a purist but i like the live bent of Troum's stuff. Towards the end of this record the effects start to fade out and we're left with a good 15 minutes of Mogwai style delayed guitar melodies, repeating over and over until things quietly crumble and fade away. It's the sort of record that you wish went on forever! Pretty swanky packaging too-comes in a metal box with screened printing on the top. Minimalist but maximalist at the same time-just like the sounds on this wonderful album.
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