So for those who don't visit me at work all the time, which is pretty much everyone i know, know that i've been given a small space in the store to showcase bizarre/troubling/disturbing books, whether they're novels or graphic novels or art books or whatever. In terms of the art stuff, since i know very little about what's going on in the actual art world, i asked my coworker Gina (who is an artist herself) to point me toward some cool artists/monographs. Pretty much everything she showed me is super cool, like good 'ol Pictoplasma here, and unfortunately, i know find myself hooked on these gorgeous art monographs. I don't have the money for this! Between all the cds and dvds and literary journals and books i'm just fucking finished...it would be different if this material weren;t so goddamned rare and only available for short periods of time. Matt and Ray, i'm guessing both of you are familiar with these sorts of books-toss me some suggestions for things to show off at Barnes & Noble! Recommendations are always appreciated!
I don't really know of any good art books. I do know if you like the stuff in Pictoplasma, then you should go to Robot Love. It's a store over near Uptown, they specialize in designer PVC toys. Really cool stuff, but way too expensive for me to collect.
Although it is NOT disturbing in anyway, I would suggest a Craig Blacklock photography book. He is out with a new one soon "North Shore" but his last one "A Voice Within" is stunning.
If you can get your hands on "Kim Gordon: Chronicles Vol. 2" That would be a treasure within your store. Very rare publication I've heard.
But here is THE ONE you were looking for in posting your request. There is an artist, Melanie Pullen, who has a photography book called "High Fashion Crime Scenes" it's from 2005 and limited to 3000 copies. Very disturbing.
Then of course, if you throw a Kara Walker book on that shelve, it will be contemporary.
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