Some news in from the Scarlett J. camp (and you know how close i am to that particular pop culture goldmine.) Seems the gorgeous iconoclast is going to sing backup for the fucking Jesus and Mary Chain at one of their three (?) reunion shows (she's set to appear at the show in Pomona.) This seriously weirds me out- i love Scarlett, i really do, and i try to keep what she does in perspective and not judge her too harshly for what i consider to be "poor decisions" (i.e., making romantic time with Justin Timberlake) but i just can't get behind this. And i won't hold the JAMC unaccountable for their part in this worthless display of crass counsumer opportunism either-this pairing is just fucking dumb. What is either party hoping to accomplish? I can just imagine the Reid brothers sitting around shotting some heroin saying, "How could we really make these reunion shows fucking memorable? I know! Let's get someone with zero muscial talent but tremendous cultural appeal to ruin our songs for us!" I stand by it- Scarlett cannot sing. She's barely adequate-i've heard some of her stuff. Not that the Reid brothers are great singers either, but really, if you need some female vox for your shit, fellas, then just give Hope Sandoval a call. You know she could use some higher profile work. And she can actually sing, and she appeared on one of your albums already. So there. The whole thing is just beyond ridiculous. Waaaaaaaaaay beyond.
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