Holy shit. This album absolutely fucking slays. Amazing. Lunara Aurora are one of the more mysterious black metal entities lurking around (and alas they will lurk no more, as they have stated that this record will be their last in a long while) and have more or less eschewed any sort of spotlight that's been cast their way, presumably more concerned with creating beyond EPIC black metal with a fucking freezing cold atmosphere and gorgeously melodic, devastating riffs. This album serves as an amalgamation of everything they've done honed into a knife of deadly precision. The disc starts off furiously and pretty much never lets up-sounds well up and fill the space you're listening to it in-this is a sonic masterwork compared to anything that any band has done, ever. It's like the sound glut of Mogwai filtered through black metal-everything is here-massive crunchy/fuzz guitars, ambient soundscaping keyboards that encompass the entire compositions, freezing them with mooncrust and glacier shine, heavily delyaed and chorused guitars that bleed into the keyboards and add to the majesty, choral vocals that sound as cavernous as if they were recorded in the Sistine Chapel, and of course screechy reverb-laden vocals that echo of despairs unknown...it's a thick, dense mix of true blackened art and i am hard pressed to think of any band that has gone to this level. Xasthur's layering technique comes to mind but his sound is far too lofi to butt heads with this epoch-there's a definite Burzum influence at work here too but rather than go in the buzzing, torturous direction that more of Varg's disiciples choose Lunar Aurora crafts grandiose swaths of music that could be the national anthems of some weird black metal universe. I really can't go on-just know that this is triumphant, masterful music of the highest order regardless of genre.
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