Okay-wow. This album is a giant steaming pile of derivative shit. I feel completely let down and am floored by the lack of a single memorable riff on this piece of trash. What the hell was Jack White thinking? For all the talk i heard about this being a return to rocking form, with some hints even of thrash metal being included as well as some serious soloing, this thing is beyond bland. It's like Jack and Meg sacrificed a rib each to the great god of stagnancy in return for the inspiration to churn out some worthless, grating bore-o-riffs. Not much there, John-not much there. I'm not really angry here, more confused, because the Stripes have long been a fave of mine (as well as many others) and to the day i day i will still say that "Expecting" is one of the greatest, toughest, most primeval guitar riffs that i have ever laid ears on-i'm left perpelexed and just trying to figure out where the way, the path, the noble road to rock ecstasy, was lost by Jack and Meg. It certainly wasn't on their last record-even throughout its deviations from the formula, it contained some of their best stuff, including the massive juggernaut "Instinct Blues" (which i have recently given thought to covering in Yog-Sothoth, which would be our 2nd Stripes cover.) So i guess somewhere between punching out worthless goons from lesser bands and getting married to forgettable "supermodels" and signing to a major major label, Jack just gave up. Decided to phone one in. Hell, he interviewed Jimmie Page in Guitar World- looks like he's really made it. The need to write quality material must have evaporated like so much dignity back when he was laying carpet for a living. So i would skip this one, really. Forgettable through and through. And one more thing-using an octave on every guitar solo gets really annoying. It's about as predictable as Meg's drumming has gotten. A horrible misstep.